Make learning fun with Pup Quiz!
Pup Quiz is a one-stop solution to make math fun for kids!
Each K-5 kit contains the most useful hands-on materials to help students strengthen their problem-solving, fact fluency, number sense, and SEL skills.

120 Reusable Fact Automaticity Dry-Erase Worksheets
A Pup Quiz kit has 30 unique worksheets for each operation. These reusable worksheets are perfect for daily math activities.
Common Core-Aligned, Multiple Choice Word Problem Cards
These differentiated cards provide word problem practice to prepare students for the NWEA Map Test and other multiple choice exams.

Kids simply place their finger through a circle to choose an answer. When they flip the card, a pup will appear over the circle with the correct answer.
Card Deck with 104 Cards
These cards are fantastic for stations, enrichment, and family game night.

Flash card decks for all operations

Addition Flash Cards
Reduce your child's screen time by playing games! Card games are a fun way to learn without technology.

Multiplication Flash Cards
According to the CDC, children ages 8-10 spend about 6 hours in front of screens for video games, television, and entertainment apps.

Subtraction Flash Cards
Gamify learning while increasing social and emotional learning!